Friday, June 14, 2013

Fake it till ya make it???

We need to dump the stinking thinking and grasp what God says about us.  We are more than conquerors through Christ, Romans 8:37, because we have a Savior who loves us so much He died for us. When He left us in physical presence God sent down to us a comforter, THE Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit dwells with in us and though we are human and we fall short, with God on our side...who can be against us....SOOOO we press on toward the mark...Philippians 3:14.  We each have specific calls but if we are a wife/mother that is a calling too. 

The Bible has so much to say about being a wife and a mother.  There are many books people have written who have studied the Word, if a woman feels she doesn't have time to do her own study she can read a book written by a trusted author and be enlightened. 

But what about when we KNOW how we ought to be but we just can't seem to get it walked out???

Romans 7:15 (HCSB)

15 For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate.

Well if this is are not alone.  I feel so close to Paul in many of the words he shares, this one in particular has been one I have sat and thought on many times... Why is it, I know what to do, I want to do what I know to do, but I let my flesh take over and I just can't control my tongue?
Well the answer is painful...I had been living in flesh more than in the Spirit.  Now before anyone gets angry...I used to spend HOURS in the Bible every day.  I would study and memorize, pray, go to church every time the doors were open, surrender daily if need be and I still was not able to shut my mouth.  There is hope if this is you too.

It took me many failed attempts to fix things
in myself and others only God could fix...Finally when I was feeling pretty low and not sure how I could keep on smiling...I looked up for good...Now that is not to say I do not have times I try to take the reigns from God and steer this little wagon on my own, BUT I know better now and I let go usually before I get in over my head and bust a wagon wheel.  I let go and let God. 

In the past I tried to let go and let God, but I failed, because of pride.  I was beat down so low by the things the devil was doing through so many around me, I could not even tell I had pride.  There is a difference between being humble and being beat down.  I did not want to let go, well I did, but I felt if I truly did they would win.  " Oh Father give me grace to forgive them, cause I feel like the one losing." I can't truly say I don't feel like the one losing when I first let go...but I let go now because I have let go enough to know I am NOT the one losing.  The only way to truly win is to let go...and the WIN is really not the big deal to me in the sense that I defeated a is a big deal to me because I defeated the enemy who's intent was to steer me off course and get me wrapped up yet again in what has been done to me.

So why "fake it till you make it"??? Well I personally do not like that line...I prefer " Practice makes perfect."  well close to perfect.  So when I should I now, stay quiet, I now show care when none is shown back, I smile more even when the war wages on inside my head. When the war wages I heard God's Word confirming silence or lack of action is best.   I know I have the victory and I finally see how to receive it.  I can't JUST claim it, I can't just claim it and speak a verse.  Claiming the victory is an action or lack of action, not a verbal response, not just a heart feeling... it issurrendering my will and letting HIS be done...that's the victory.

Matthew 6:10
Your kingdom come.

Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

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